Consider these 5 factors before designing your new labels

    28 May, 2024 8:00:00 AM

    A good amount of thought should be put into your product label design. Not only is it essential that the label reflects your brand’s identity and engages consumers, but it should also include practical and informative functions that will further enhance the customer experience.

    Topics: Pan India Label Printer, Skanem India, Label manufacturer India

    The psychology behind labelling and packaging that sell

    7 May, 2024 11:37:03 AM

    The packaging and labelling are the consumer’s first encounter with your product and brand. Ensure that the design of both these elements grabs your customer's attention in a way that influences the mental process needed to drive purchase intent.

    Topics: Skanem India, Label manufacturer India

    How monomaterials in packaging contribute to a circular economy

    19 Mar, 2024 8:00:00 AM

    The more plastic packaging is recycled, the more the circular economy will grow. However, if the labelling material differs from the component, both elements may not be recyclable together.

    Topics: Pan India Label Printer, Skanem India, Label manufacturer India, Sustainable packaging India

    Four key trends for sustainable labelling and packaging in 2024

    23 Jan, 2024 8:00:00 AM

    Environmental awareness remains one of the most prominent consumer trends this year. Measures that reduce waste, enable recycling, and save resources and energy are simply expected in the 21st century. The big brands are catching on and are keen to please.

    Topics: Skanem India, Label manufacturer India, Sustainable packaging India

    3 key considerations when designing labels for value brands

    12 Dec, 2023 8:00:00 AM

    These days, most modern consumers are more cost-conscious and choose brands that offer the best value. To help attract and retain customers looking for high-quality, affordable products, you need to think about how you design your product label. The label design should also help you keep production costs low.

    Topics: Skanem India, Designing labels

    How much should your labels be able to endure?

    17 Oct, 2023 8:00:00 AM

    Labels must withstand a magnitude of external aggressors after application so that essential information is available throughout their lifecycle. Let's look at some critical elements within production, use, legislation and sustainability that might affect your labels.

    Topics: Pan India Label Printer, Skanem India, Label manufacturer India

    How to reduce label applicator machine downtime

    3 Oct, 2023 8:00:00 AM

    Label applicator machines often experience downtime due to roll changeovers, leading to significant productivity losses. Label splicers and wastepaper rewinders can eliminate the need to stop the machine, thus boosting efficiency and ensuring timely delivery of labelled products.

    Topics: Pan India Label Printer, Skanem India, Label manufacturer India, Machines - Skanem India

    Enhancing customer experience through your labelling and packaging

    5 Sep, 2023 8:00:00 AM

    While in the store, your potential customer actively engages with your brand and product. The product decoration, such as your label and packaging, plays a vital role in shaping first impressions. Not least, it often determines whether your customer has a good or bad experience with your product.

    Topics: Pan India Label Printer, Skanem India, Designing labels

    Is your label supplier prepared for a crisis?

    8 Aug, 2023 8:00:00 AM

    Unpredictable global crises or interchangeable framework conditions can significantly impact your supply chain and business operations. If you can’t receive your labels on time due to extended lead times or delays, you won't get your products onto the store shelves either. A label supplier with a contingency plan can help you avoid severe consequences.

    Topics: Skanem India, Label manufacturer India, contingency plan manufacturing

    Do you have a sustainable packaging and labelling strategy?

    27 Jun, 2023 8:00:00 AM

    For a material to be considered environmentally friendly, there must be a way to recycle it or produce it using renewable energy. Materials that require fewer resources and less energy to manufacture are generally considered more eco-friendly. However, that does not necessarily mean that they are recyclable.

    Topics: Skanem India, Label manufacturer India, Sustainable packaging India

    About The Skanem Blog India

    Keep up to date on the latest labelling and packaging trends and possibilities – from materials, colours and design – to branding, cost and supply chain optimization, as well as new printing technologies and custom made labelling machines. Sustainability and innovation are strong driving forces for Skanem India, and we hope it’s an important part of your product development as well. We've gathered our industry experts to share practical experience on The Skanem Blog India to hopefully help you develop the very best label and packaging solutions for your products.


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